A week ago today I was sitting in my living room as Hurricane Sally sat outside my window - for hours! This slow moving, category 2 hurricane was not supposed to come here. None of us were prepared.
With 110 mph winds for several hours, anything that wasn't secured was blown around. And that's exactly what happened. The barges next to the bridge being built that connects Pensacola and Gulf Breeze were not properly secured or moved to another location and a barge hit the bridge causing a section to break off.
Now, instead of it taking less than five minutes to go to Pensacola or come to Gulf Breeze, it takes 45 minutes (or more, depending on traffic) as everyone has to drive the opposite direction to connect to a bridge with a $5 toll (each way! thankfully the toll is temporarily suspended) or go even further to the next town to get on Hwy 87.
We have no idea when the bridge will be repaired because the divers aren't able to get in the water yet to survey the total damage. Regardless, it'll be months before it's repaired. Months of extra time in a car and frustration for drivers.
Since no one can change the situation right now, you might as well make the most of it.
Carpool Conversations
photo by Orkun Azap
If possible, carpool. It will save gas, wear and tear on your car, and frustration behind the wheel. This is also a good time to have really great conversations - get to know one another better.
Afraid you'll run out of things to talk about, don't have anything to talk about or will get bored? Don't worry, there's a lot more to discuss than what happened at work that day.
Here are a handful conversation starters:
Ask about their family
Discuss and swap favorite recipes
Brainstorm ideas for a party you'll be throwing soon
The latest Netflix binge
Discuss places you've visited or would like to visit
There are so. many. out. there.
Bloggers podcasts, author podcasts, educational, thriller, how - to....this is a great time to catch up on the latest episodes.
If you're new to podcasts, here are some you could start with:
Eat with Confidence
Etsy Conversations
Oprah's Super Soul Conversations
A Beautiful Mess
The Creative Penn
The Holderness Family
Young House Love
Audio Books
You know all those books you've been hearing about, and wanting to read but could never find the time - now you have the time.
Take a trip to your library every couple of weeks and grab a few audio books and get lost in another world as you make your way home.
Catch Up on Phone Calls (hands free please)
photo by GMax Studios
Pick a few days a week to call people you care about and check on them. See what they've been up to. This not only lets people know you are thinking of them, it helps to nurture relationships.
Put on your favorite music and let loose!
Sitting in traffic can be very stressful, especially after a long day of work or when you're supposed to be somewhere by a certain time. But maybe it could be a little less stressful and a little more enjoyable.
Stay safe.
Rebecca ~